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May 12, 2024





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Congratulations American taxpayers. We’ve just been forced to pony up for 100,000 of Kamala Harris’ Superheroes are Everywhere children’s books to distribute to and indoctrinate the most vulnerable illegal immigrants swarming across our border. Wanna know what’s being shoved down their throats?

Googling the book’s site on Amazon, it enjoys a five-star rating. However, there’s no shortage of negative reviews. “Taz” gave it one star on August 15, 2020 writing, “Marxist indoctrination at the youngest levels … Disgusting”. “Cindy” also one-star reviewed it with this on March 6, 2019: “Wish I didn’t purchase … funny her opinion writing a book to make money and then goes against children in politics!” And, “Nanciann” likewise gave it the lowest rating possible saying, “Author too self-centered. Not for children I lost interest” on August 16, 2019. Which, upon reviewing the first few pages for free compliments of Amazon, seems on target since the first three pages, as well as the last three, of this 40-page book, consist purely of pictures of Kamala.

Under “Product Details”, her book is suggested reading for ages 3-7, grade level 2. It was published by Philomel Books and listed on Amazon on January 8, 2019. Yet, two full pages contain literal resumes of Kamala’s landmark years growing up and her “impressive” job descriptions such as “1998: I joined the San Francisco district attorney’s office as the leader of the Career Criminal Unit”. I’m sure second graders can relate to that.

In all fairness, my book Rules for Deplorables: A Primer for Fighting Radical Socialism gets “one-starred” occasionally, two, by leftist trolls wanting to destroy my 5-star rating.

My argument isn’t with Kamala’s reviewers or a politician seeking to make money writing a book. It’s with the book’s distribution at taxpayer expense.

In 1923 while Adolf Hitler was in prison for trying to overthrow the German government, he wrote his memoir in a book entitled Mein Kampf. Translated in English, it means “My Struggle”. (Sounds a bit like Kamala’s book.) It was poorly written, cost twelve Deutsch marks to publish, and barely sold a copy.

As he rose in power, the Nazis dressed the book up. Per an article in Business Insider on June 1, 2016, “Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler made an absurd amount of money off of Mein Kampf, The Third Reich was determined “to get Hitler’s book into every German home”.

“The opportunity to further monetize ‘Mein Kampf’ became apparent when Hitler was elected chancellor in 1933. Of course, there were a lot of marriages, there always are, and then they all had to be paid for by the state,” wrote Dr. Cris Whetton in Hitler’s Riches. “The state bought the books to present to every married couple, and Hitler reaped the profits,” Whetton added.

“At the time, Hitler earned a 10% royalty from every sale of the book that became the official state wedding present to newlyweds. At the peak of ‘Mein Kampf’ sales, Hitler earned $1 million a year in royalties alone, equivalent to $12 million today. By 1939, Hitler’s work had been translated into 11 languages with 5,200,000 copies sold around the world.” 

What a comparison!

Leftists in America have demonstrated the ability to use taxpayer money for indoctrination purposes before. I write about it at length in my book. But that indoctrination was always aimed at foreign countries. Until today. Now, it’s here. For those who have a copy of my book, pages 242-243 will shock the conscience.

In short, in 2011 leftist billionaire George Soros “personally wrote then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, urging intervention in Albania’s political unrest. Within days, an envoy he recommended was dispatched to the region.’”  

Further, in “February [2017], Judicial Watch reported: Barack Obama’s U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia … has worked behind the scenes with Soros’ Open Society Foundation to funnel large sums of American dollars for the cause, constituting an interference of the U.S. Ambassador in domestic political affairs in violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

“The Open Society Foundation has established and funded dozens of leftwing, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)… The groups organize youth movements [think BLM], create influential media outlets [think CNN] and organize violent protests [think Antifa] to undermine the institutions and policies implemented by the government. One of Soros’ groups funded the translation and publication of Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ into Macedonian. The book is a tactical manual of subversion, provides direct advice for radical street protests, and proclaims Lucifer to be the first radical.” This is scary stuff.

True to the tactics taught in Alinsky’s book, “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain constant pressure on the opposition”. That is Tactic #10. It’s been used by globalists to transform not only America into communism⏤but the entire world.

The goal is being achieved via operations called the “Color Revolution”. It makes for a topic of conversation desperately needed in the U.S. but will have to wait for a later article. In a nutshell, according to the Independent Sentinel, “[a] color revolution is a known tactical CIA operation that uses a seemingly spontaneous act as the precipitating event to destabilize a country and effect regime change [think George Floyd].” In the “good old days”, the CIA used the scheme against foreign countries. Today, it’s being used against us.

In the 1950s, Russia’s Communist leader Nikita Khrushchev is accredited with making the following bold predictions: “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within … We cannot expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism.”

Friends, we are there. Kamala Harris’ children’s book is simply bringing us one step closer to our final chapter.

Days prior to Election Day 2020, the soon-to-be fraudulently elected Vice President of the United States released a video on Twitter in which she narrates. It was a cartoon, interestingly enough. Many compared it to communist propaganda. At the end of the cartoon, Kamala eerily offers her dream of America. “It’s about giving people the resources and support they need so that everyone can be on equal footing, and then compete on equal footing. Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place.” And, where exactly would that take us? Anyone who knows history can answer that.

Don’t be fooled, America. Kamala’s book is nothing close to child’s play. It’s an attempt to continue the left’s indoctrination of our children, now those crossing the border, in order to transform us to Communism. To replace Dr. Seuss with this forced “education” of our kids is bad enough. To do it with our money is downright criminal.


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Renee Starling
Renee Starling
3 years ago

I Love listening to you speak about the truth!

3 years ago

so true

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