
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 13, 2024





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Some of my conservative friends are bitter about the loss of the 2020 election. They blame Trump. “He was too argumentative!” “He praised himself too much!” “He had an abrasive personality!” I don’t know about you, but I vote for policies, not personality. Patton was an SOB, but he won battles.

Why did Trump lose the election? Personality? Stolen election? Biden more popular? It was because of us.

We thought that supporting him at campaign rallies was enough. We thought that donating money to his campaign was enough. We thought that cheering him on was enough. We thought we could send one man in to single-handedly reverse 25+ years of progressive democratic party government corruption. It was like sending in a lone quarterback to play football, without teammates, against an experienced team. While we cheered from the stands. Was this doing our part? 

“It is expedient that one man die for the party,” said the Republican Party Pharisees. While we watched the election stolen before our very eyes. We need to come down from the stands and help block and tackle. We need to get skin in the game before the Left skins us.

Trump died for our sins. Our sin was the sin of omission⏤what we didn’t do! We need to step up for our country.

How? Run for office locally—volunteer for a conservative you trust to run for local office. Become an election official. Become an election poll watcher. Attend school board meetings. Attend county commissioner meetings. Ask for the things no one else will ask: “All small businesses had to cut back and lay off employees during the Wuhan Covid pandemic. I want the county government to cut the budget by 20% and refund local taxes by 20%. That would be a stimulus. It’s our money. Give 20% of it back to us. We need it.”

How? Where there are problems in your local community, start private voluntary groups to solve them.  Please don’t leave it up to government. For example, a river clean-up staffed by volunteers. 

Do NOT ask for the government to solve the problem. Why? First, government won’t solve it. Second, government will get bigger PRETENDING to solve the problem. Result? You’ll still have the problem, but pay more in taxes and have more government busy-bodies intruding on your life.

Are your schools keeping children at home because of the Wuhan virus? Start a charter school. Start a private school. Start an online school like Khan Academy. Start a co-op of home-schoolers to pool resources and expertise. Ask your neighbors, “Who can teach geometry? Will you show five home-schoolers how to read a map? Who can show how arithmetic helps you measure and cut wood for making cabinets?”

Remember the WWII poster of Rosie the Riveter? We can do it! 

Look at our current shut down as a Do It Yourself (DIY) opportunity to innovate new methods to meet needs. For example, last year, I recorded an online course in a recording studio in another state. This year they couldn’t allow anyone there because of the virus. Result? They innovated! They shipped me a “studio in a duffel bag.” Camera, professional lighting, tripods, wireless microphones, etc. A remote director guided me through the process on a Zoom call. Result? We recorded another online course, uploaded it to their server, packed up the equipment, scheduled a UPS pickup, and “studio in a duffel bag” was off to another instructor in another state for another recording. This method is probably cheaper than recording in a studio. We can do it!

Trump tried, but one man can’t do it alone. In America, one man shouldn’t do it for us. As Jordan Peterson tells us in his great book 12 Rules for Life, we must stand up straight and take responsibility for ourselves. When we let others do for us what we should do for ourselves, we act like children. And big government is Big Mommy.

We are a nation of DIY – Do It Your-Selfers. From Benjamin Franklin organizing a volunteer fire brigade in Philadelphia to the Sons of Liberty and the Boston Tea Party, Do It Your Selfers began this nation. Do It Your Selfers can now salvage this nation.

Inspired by Trump, we must take back our country, one county commission seat at a time, one school board seat at a time, one county sheriff at a time. Trumpism? No. Do-It-Yourself-ism. Solve our own problems. Take back the reins of government from those who would put us all in harness, their harness. 

Thomas Jefferson said, “That government is best which governs least.” Our current big government governs most. Cut it back. Think nationally. Act locally. Shoulder the load Trump was forced to put down. We can do it!

Image: Reuters


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