
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 6, 2024





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“And then shall many be scandalized and shall betray one another and shall hate one another.” Matthew 24:10

“The horrible thing about the Two Minutes of Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in.” 1984 by George Orwell

“If you vote for Trump, I’ll never speak to you again!” This was the ultimatum given to an acquaintance by her friend of thirty years. Why would she say that? In my younger years, political preferences were like sports team rivalries. “The Mets suck!” “You just wait until next year. We’ll show you then!” You gave and took some good-natured ribbing: “Those Democrats sure acted like donkeys this year!” “Oh yeah? Your Republican candidates sure looked like elephants – big and bloated!” “Wait until next election!” Then you went on with your friendship.

Not today. If you are a conservative, Republican, or a Trump supporter, then you are evil. Democrats, social justice warriors, and virtue signalers have been told that you must be labeled as evil (racist, global warming denier, greedy capitalist exploiter, misogynist, take your pick). They must not associate with you, speak to you, sit at the table with you or visit you at Thanksgiving if you are family.

Who tells them this? Societal role models: actresses, sports figures, social influencers, teachers, professors, ministers, print and television journalists, and yes, even politicians. When you hear this, it’s like the fashion designers saying, “Green is the new fall color. Don’t be caught dead wearing any other color.” Wearing green is now the cool thing to do. Cool people do it. If I don’t do it, I’m not one of the cool people. If I don’t do it, I’m a social outcast!

Why do elites tell them to do this? Because Marxist theory is based on class struggle. One class must be bad guys. The other classes are victims. If we Marxists can get most people thinking they are a victim class denied their rights and goodies, then naturally they ask, “Who is denying me?” The Marxist elites point to conservatives, business owners, and Republicans as the evil class denying them. They are the enemy. They and their constitutional government system must be destroyed.

Marxists are Teaching People to Hate

In the musical South Pacific, one song lyric sums it up: “You’ve got to be taught, To hate and fear, You’ve got to be taught, From year to year, It’s got to be drummed In your dear little ear. You’ve got to be carefully taught.” The elites and the Marxist professors are doing just that: carefully teaching hatred.

Every movement needs an enemy; it needs someone to blame. Once the Marxist elites can point to that enemy, they can focus on the hatred of the newly manufactured grievance-victim classes.

In George Orwell’s prophetic dystopian novel 1984, all citizens of the tyrannical country of Oceania must participate in a daily public ritual called the Two Minute Hate. Images of enemy countries and people who are labeled enemies of the state (people who only yesterday were heroes of the state) are shown on-screen while groups of citizens scream hatred and throw things at the screen. This daily ritual accomplished two things:

  • It psychologically conditioned people to hate whoever the ruling elites wanted them to hate.
  • It was a daily reminder that if you ever disagreed with the ruling elites, you would be hated by your fellow citizens.

We are now seeing and hearing from the Leftist Marxist Democratic Socialists is a new version of the Two Minute Hate. “Get in their face!” screams Maxine Waters. “Confront them in restaurants!” The Big Brother character of 1984 is now Big Sister: Maxine and her sidekick AOC.

Their goal?

  • To frighten you into silence
  • To intimidate you into joining their side
  • To give their followers a target for their Two + Minutes of Hate 

Wander Into the Bush and Die

In some tribal cultures, if you transgressed against the norms, you were shunned. No one would look at you. No one would talk to you. You were an outcast. Eventually, those shunned would wander off into the bush and die alone. Recent research into the effects of isolation during the Covid shutdown shows similar patterns: depression and thoughts of suicide. That’s what Leftists want for conservatives.

Like many conservatives, I used to think, “Am I the only conservative left in the USA?” We felt isolated and alone. Just as the media elites want us to feel. Then I attended a Tea Party rally in 2009 and saw thousands like me, including a neighbor. “I didn’t know you were conservative!” we both said. Isolation ended. Then came Trump. Trump flags, signs, and bumper stickers everywhere. Trump rallies were attended by tens of thousands. Conservatives were not a minority. The media just pretended they were.

“Be not afraid.”

What is your shield against friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors who want to direct the 24/7 hate against you? Ignore them. Shun them as they shun you. You do not need their approval or permission to live your life. 

Seek out and associate with like-minded conservatives. Form bible study groups. Form conservative book clubs. Volunteer for conservative organizations. Volunteer for your local Republican Party (be vigilant to spot RINOs running for office). Socialize with conservatives for dining out, dinner parties, golf foursomes, hiking expeditions, etc. 

The Bible has 26 verses that include “be not afraid.” Good advice. Stand up to the bullies. Moses did.

Ignore and do not respond to social shaming threats like “I’ll never speak to you again if you vote for Trump!” Was that person ever really a friend? Friends do not threaten friends over who they vote for. Be proud of who you are and what you stand for. Your true friends love you for who you really are. Conservatives conserve the good things about our country. Keep on conserving. 


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