
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 12, 2024





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In the state of Arizona right now, there’s an audit being conducted on the results of the 2020 elections, specifically the results of the voting that took place in several Arizona counties. The current effort is underway in Maricopa County, which includes the greater Phoenix area. The effort is being vigorously opposed by the Socialist-Democrats and their allies in the news media, and their leftist-controlled groups like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter.

Something which I find to be very curious. Why would a political party in America that claims to work on behalf of the American people have any objections to a carefully conducted audit of the votes cast in an election⏤that is intended to ensure that the results of that election are accurate and verified? It’s about election integrity.

One would think that all Americans, regardless of political party affiliation, would support election integrity. And something that is especially important to American veterans. After all, it’s America’s veterans who put it all on the line to protect and defend this nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic, as well as to protect the integrity of our elections from fraud or foreign interference.

More and more evidence is being uncovered almost daily, revealing the nefarious forces who are actively involved in trying to “fundamentally transform” this country. One of the driving forces is the George Soros organization, which has been hard at work trying to change the face of America not just in national elections, but also at the grassroots level. No local political office is too small for George Soros not to try to grab hold of and control.

For example, Arizona and the Phoenix area’s Maricopa County in particular. George Soros supported the campaigns of the Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, and pumped in two million dollars to support the sheriff of Maricopa County, Paul Penzone’s campaign. This is typical of the Soros’ tactic of supporting candidates of the right ideology for local and state offices.

Particularly local prosecuting attorneys, law enforcement officials, and local and state election authorities. Again, all part of Soros’ effort to “fundamentally transform” America from the vibrant capitalist nation it was under President Donald Trump, into just another third world socialist-communist hell-hole.

Just recently, George Soros’ hand was reportedly involved in the Asian nation of Myanmar. The military government in Myanmar that assumed power after a coup that was prompted by widespread accusations of voter fraud during the country’s recent elections, has reportedly seized the bank accounts of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations in Myanmar.

The government also has announced arrest warrants for a number of members of the organization in the country. No, it’s not just in the United States that the Soros organization is involved in trying to influence elections, or to outright deny the will of the people. His reach is far and wide.

Which brings us back to Arizona. The Democrats, with the support behind the scenes of George Soros and his minions, will do whatever they can to muddy the waters, disrupt any audits, and discredit the current audit underway.  And certainly any subsequent audits in other counties, or other states that may come about.

Americans and especially American veterans need to step up once again to serve when their country calls, and help ensure that our election integrity is maintained. We need to get loud, and even louder than the voices that want to destroy our republic.

Democrats should also support any effort at protecting the integrity of our elections, not fight against the veterans who stood shoulder to shoulder on the front lines defending our nation and protecting our most cherished right—the right to vote for the candidate of our choice in a free and fair election.

Image: AP


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Karel Anthony
Karel Anthony
3 years ago

Thank you

3 years ago

Remember if we are to prevail than All of us is all we need.  
Please share widely on FB, Twitter etc. I’m on yet another 30 day FB suspension. LOL

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