
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 14, 2024





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Everything Democrats propose or do, is a cheap scam for power, to convince Americans we should accept socialism, under the leadership of the really stupid, who believe ‘enlightened’ society will better prosper under their guidance. They propose that Marxism should trump the rule of law once set in the concert of the Constitution now, all but challenged as out of date.

The Democrats newest scam, the “Equality Act” aka: the Defend Sodom and Gomorrah act, is just another sneak attack on Christianity, the basis of our moral existence.

Literally, it is an attempt to disenfranchise the Christian faith, by law, and neutralize the people who believe, as simple folk who shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Christianity has survived longer than Marxism.

The act will also create a vast pool of potential victims for the pedophiles, perverts and molesters who seek leadership in the Scouting programs, the Boys and Girls clubs, Little League, Pop Warner football, and any place children congregate while they pass through a child’s life into responsible adulthood. They will have a field day. Imagine a merit badge for transgender dressing, anatomy studies and hands on experiences with qualified adults. How about gay males in women’s sports just because they say they identify as female? The Equality Act will protect them! That’s absolutely sick. The lunacy can’t pass the Senate let alone the Presidents desk.

Currently, the Democrats greatest scam is collapsing around them. The pre-planned attack against the President on totally made up charges reveals the corruption of the Deep State can be laid at the highest levels of trust any government can have, leaders at the top law enforcement, intelligence, taxing, and the administration of justice agencies. Their crimes is beyond qualifiable description. Treason is the only word that applies for the awful scheme they attempted to perpetrate against President Trump and the American people. One wonders, is the scaffold still in storage at the Washington Navy Yard?

The Deep State actions are crimes that scream for retribution. The Democrats have always managed to get out of a jam, while the media is demanding that as the issue is now mute, “we should move on.” The House Democrats, however, plus some silly Republicans like Romney and Kasich, are still so deranged that their attempts to keep stirring the pot of Trump collusion has made them nearly mad with rage and they won’t stop until they either destroy America or are finally defeated at the polls. And they want to take away our guns?

Has the rule of law collapsed? Are they immune because they are Democrats and mean well? If this sort of behavior is to be stopped for future Presidents, then punishment for this crimes must be swift, sure and painful and, lawfully done so they can’t escape justice again. Even one felon, Comey or Brennan for example, hanging from a gibbet would satisfy. But also, ignoring Hillary Clintons role, and Obama’s too for that matter, is to leave the scoundrels hope that they can return to their old ways again with a change to Democrat leadership.

Listen to the words of Democrat contenders for the Presidency. Without one thought for real American’s, they try to out do each other moving “Left” with promises of free stuff.

Government health care is already unaffordable, but it will be especially unaffordable when it’s free. Tricks can’t hide the facts. Socialism can only survive when self-reliance and self-dependency are forbidden and instructions on how we are to behave in a multicultural society, flows down from the top, as birds perched on Obama’s statue.

Like flowing water, Socialism seeks the easiest path to its destination, usually always bloody, through subjugation of its dissenters, terrorizing the masses, and wealth transfer by extreme taxation, all supported by a police state that quickly runs roughshod when no rules of legal procedure exist. Searches without warrant, arrests and interrogations without counsel, are all part and parcel of the totalitarian police state. That’s what Democrats are aiming for. Socialism, as Cuba and Venezuela societies demonstrate, is unaffordable. It’s all a scam.  Image: Photo: Scott Heins

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!


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