
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 8, 2024





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Normally we should hear a glorifying 100-Day Speech from the President of the United States outlining his 100-Day accomplishments, painting a rosy economic future for the working class, and taking credit for promises made and accomplished. But this speech was boring ramblings. It was a first-class fiasco, an extremist coming out party revealing Joe Biden’s new role as a puppet of the far left-wing Progressive party, solidifying, they hope, their grip on our Federal government. But, looking deeper into what Joe read, because Joe doesn’t really know what he’s reading, one must realize the hand of Joe’s real Puppet Master is China’s Chairman Xi Jinping.

Joe’s speech was nothing but a compilation of his campaign statements, or whatever few he thinks he made, Trashing President Trump but ideologically bereft of common sense. It will be expensive for taxpayers in the extreme and unworkable. Joe called for “National Unity” then immediately called Republicans political extremists. How’s that for unity? President Donald Trump had much better luck with unity because when people are working, earning a living, and supporting their families, they aren’t really interested in being victims. 

Unity to Democrats means “shut up, get in line, and do as you’re told,” as Republicans often do. President Trump made campaign promises that he immediately enacted and did work for almost every American’s benefit. In contrast, Joe promises a bright economic future with a $6+ trillion-dollar plan to save the children, jobs, infrastructure, and family payout schemes that will be as destructive to our economy as elm blight comes in January. Who’s going to pay for his asinine scheme? We are! He’s also going to tax away our money, the money the democrats gave back to us that they stole from us in the first place. America can’t afford it.

Biden claimed he inherited President Trump America’s “worst” economic picture ever, ignoring both President Reagan and Trump’s grand economic successes. By doing so, Joe insulted almost all conservative Americans by falsely claiming the January 6 issue in Wash. DC was America’s worst crisis since the Civil War insinuating Conservatives were America’s real Domestic Terrorists, ignoring Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 Islamic attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.   

Trump’s first 100 days are forever etched in history as a complete success. Biden’s first 100 days will be a tawdry exercise in denying Trump’s success while claiming them for himself. 

Biden wants to take credit for successfully rolling out Trump’s anti-China Virus vaccines that saved the economy. We can go on with his claims, but it’s Joe’s attitude of conciliation to China and Iran, reversing President Trump’s success, that gives him away for the liar he really is. 

Amid the chaos of his teleprompter-driven thought process, Biden launched a frontal assault against President Ronald Reagan’s “Trickle Down” policies, saying they didn’t work then, and they won’t work now.

During his campaign, Biden was overtly critical of President Trump’s foreign policies, especially for China, its Wuhan pandemic, Iran, Russia, and the Middle East. Instead of condemning China for its espionage, militarism, and unbalance trade policies, Biden passively accepts China’s lies. Should his accomplishments include rejoining the World Health Organization without reforms? 

When China’s Xi vacuumed up Hong Kong because he could, Joe Biden blamed President Donald Trump. While China continues its pursuit of world hegemony, Xi’s Puppet, Joe Biden, calls for a “Climate Summit” while underfunding our military and destroying our economy. How does killing eleven thousand pipeline jobs by canceling the oil pipeline deal help our economy? It doesn’t, of course, but it does appeal to the anti-fossil fuel, climate change crowd and keeps Americans divided.

Impassioned rhetoric on climate change, reestablishing the JPCOA with Iran, trashing Israel, and diminishing America’s world authority, are all highlights for the Biden Express. Biden has boosted China’s world standing with his climate change “urgency” agreement. How about this for reducing the carbon signature for climate change: Last year (2020), China constructed three times more coal plants than the rest of the world. In his first 100 days.

President Biden made it clear that he puts America last when it comes to China.

In his first 100 days, Biden’s foreign policy includes denial of the new realities in the Middle East. As a candidate, he constantly claimed President Trump’s policies against Iran would result in war. Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif admitted that President Trump’s policies actually ruined their agenda and, unlike President Trump’s great successes, Biden’s actually weakened America, alienating our allies like Israel, who constantly face Iran’s terrorist threat while rewarding authoritarian states with undeserved cooperation. Biden wants us to believe that America is back, bigger and better⏤when we know it isn’t. It’s falling off the edge, helped by Chinese puppets like Joe Biden.

Joe’s speech to a joint session of 200 Congressmen and Senators was a ridiculous exercise in denying the political truths of what President Trump left for him. Instead of retaining the success of Trump’s Border and Immigration policies, Joe threw the door wide open, creating a crisis he denies exists. Using flowery rhetoric, Joe created unavailable visions of sugar plums, dancing in the heads of the “Woke” crowd, with free education, free debt relief, free this and free that. Joe is a good puppet for Emperor Xi. He’s a laughingstock for the rest of the world. Like a CNN pundit complained he’s a pitiful creature who lacks the Pomp and Majesty that goes with the presidency because he doesn’t deserve it.

Image: AP, Pool


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Nunya Business
Nunya Business
2 years ago

Biden and his Commie colleagues are sad group of traitors to America

nancy pelosi
nancy pelosi
Reply to  Nunya Business
2 years ago

Biden thinks he is buying his way to heaven. He is actually destroying the United States and is a traitor.

Nellie Cake
Nellie Cake
Reply to  nancy pelosi
1 year ago

He is ushering in tribulation and last days.

1 year ago

Biden is a commie thug. And has never been a president!

ed tree
ed tree
11 months ago

very well written. I see this as a corrupt politician who is willing to sell out his country to ensure he and his family becomes rich enough to survive what he believes was coming anyway being the collapse of democracy and a one world government. Biden truly is a weak creature preferring to “live on his knees rather than die on his feet”.

Last edited 11 months ago by ed tree
10 months ago

Are we to afraid to say it, or are we just not allowed? We’re to afraid to act. Brainwashed and programmed into complacency. We’re under spell. 50 – 100 years ago the American people had much more knowledge awareness and common sense and were much more brave. We wouldn’t be sitting back and just watching what has and what is taking place with the ” well what can we do about it ” It is what it is ” mindset. We’d also have the common sense to see that our votes or voting is worthless and that 81 or 82 million people did not vote for this clown. 247 years ago when The British were coming with a huge army, an Empire coming to take it all away, were we ( all 2.5 million of us) Americans at the time thinking “it is what it is” or” well what can we do about it. “ Today there’s 300 400 million Americans that do. We all know it. Biden Admin and his corrupt doj fbi know it. Everyone should know it. 50 – 100 years ago Several traitors would have permanently been removed from power and executed for Treason or imprisoned for life. All we do now is talk and bitch about how we’re letting tyrants do it again but this time it’s from the inside. Not one person has, or will ever be held accountable. Simple as that.

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