
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 19, 2024





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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is leading the nation’s lawmakers in the stand against mandatory COVID-19 regulations. DeSantis is inspiring Americans across the country while putting government overreach, schools, and businesses on notice by signing an executive order eliminating the local pandemic orders, effective July 1, 2021.

There is no longer a COVID-19 threat in the great state of Florida. This past May 3rd, 2021, during a news conference in St. Petersburg, Florida, the governor used his power of the pen to sign Senate Bill (SB) 2006; landmark legislation, as the governor, was reinforced by small business owners and local legislators.

Watch Governor DeSantis announcing that he is suspending all local COVID orders.

Florida schools, businesses, cruise ships, and vacation destinations which Florida is known for, will be protected from the limitations of government and hidden corporate agendas.

The great state of Florida and Governor DeSantis is one of the biggest reasons many northerners, especially New Yorkers, are relocating to the sovereign state, challenging the bureaucracy of the old guard systems and putting them on notice, letting them know illegal actions have consequences, they will be penalized for violating the constitutional rights of Floridians.

Florida will fine any business or school $5,000 each time it requires a “VACCINE PASSPORT” or proof of COVID 19 vaccination.

DeSantis states, “I was proud to sign landmark legislation & two executive orders to protect individual liberties. SB 2006 Bans Vaccine Passports; Prohibits Indefinite Lockdowns; Ends Local Restrictions on Small Businesses; and Bolsters Emergency Preparedness for Future Health Emergencies.”

The Governor further elaborated, “Thrilled to sign legislation that prohibits COVID-19 vaccine passports in Florida. Neither government nor private business will be able to condition your participation in everyday life on producing private health information.”

The bill aims at arbitrary lockdowns, vaccine passports and enhances emergency preparedness for future emergencies. Governor DeSantis also signed Executive Orders 21-101 and 21-102, suspending all local emergency orders until July 1, 2021, at which point local orders will be permanently invalidated according to SB 2006.

“Over the last year, we’ve avoided protracted lockdowns and school closures in Florida because I have refused to take the same approach as other lockdown governors. This legislation ensures that legal safeguards are in place so that local governments cannot arbitrarily close our schools or businesses,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “In Florida, your personal choice regarding vaccinations will be protected, and no business or government entity will be able to deny you services based on your decision. I’d like to thank President Simpson, Speaker Sprowls, and the Florida Legislature for getting this legislation across the finish line.”

Floridians are resilient people, prepared for whatever unforeseen disasters may arise through public health or economic catastrophes. A strong constitutional governor only safeguards Americans against the old guard system of the fox guarding the henhouse, protecting personal liberties and safety issues.

SB 2006 will also ensure that neither the local governments nor the state can shut down businesses or regulate instruction of Florida schools, except for the element of hurricane emergencies and caps all local emergencies at seven-day increments.

The legislation also allows the Governor of Florida to invalidate a local emergency order if it unnecessarily restricts individual rights or liberties. The bill also improves Florida’s emergency planning for future public health emergencies by adding personal protective equipment and other public health supplies to the Florida Division of Emergency Management inventory.

Additionally, the legislation codifies the prohibition of COVID-19 vaccine passports. Governor DeSantis enacted this prohibition through an executive order last month, blocking any business or government entity from requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Of course, there are those nay-sayers in the rogue blue states who argue and challenge the cause because they believe everyone should fall victim to the jab.

Life in the great state of Florida attracts a thousand new residents a day, which is a major boost to the economy and construction arena, but be sure, those with obtuse political agendas will not be able to flourish in this constitutional state this governor. The majority of the patriots who reside here will further reinforce our sovereign rights against the political leftwing shadows.

A listing of all Executive Orders signed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

“The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” ~ Ronald Reagan.


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