
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 19, 2024





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The Bush administration, got seriously involved in Afghanistan, just after the mass slaughter of nearly 3000 Americans, by Muslim Jihadists on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on the 11th September 2001.
On that date, the Taliban had control of about 90% of Afghanistan, where they were hiding Osama bin Laden and training tens of thousands of Jihadists from all over the Muslim countries, for future operations, all over the world.
For those Americans – most probably 95%, who do not know who and what the Taliban are – let me enlighten you.
Taliban is actually an Arabic word meaning Students. Students of what? Students of Muhammad’s Quran and the most devout Sharia compliant Muslims in the world at that time.
Question: What are the attributes of Sharia compliant Muslims?
Answer: Every Sharia compliant Muslim, exhibits exactly the same following characteristics, irrespective of, Nationality, Race, Colour, Culture, Sect, Educational background or Political orientation ~
Hate mongering, Warmongering, Treacherous, Racist, Misogynist, Duplicitous, Intolerant, Deceitful, Hypocritical, Treasonous, Mendacious and hence filled with Ungodly attributes.
I have absolutely no doubt, that to Quran ignorant, Politically Correct, brain dead readers, these adjectives sound Racist, Xenophobic, Islamo-phobic and outrageous, yet not a single one of these readers, nor a single Muslim out of 1,500,000,000 can, based entirely on the very Muslim sources, prove any of them as either wrong or untrue.
Furthermore, if my statements are so egregious, I would expect CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) would – as had been their methodology for decades in the USA- either take me to court to silence me, or debate me (this will never happen). Any other challengers?
President George W Bush, rightfully requested, that the Taliban should hand over Osama to the Americans for prosecution. The Taliban countered by demanding irrefutable proof, that Osama was guilty of masterminding that operation, even though, there were videos of him, boasting about all of it and they had full knowledge. They also refused to shut down their terrorist training camps.
The USA had no option at that time, but to retaliate against the Taliban.
The US war in Afghanistan started with Operation Enduring Freedom, on October 7th 2001 to, ostensibly remove the Taliban from power and allow a ‘moderate’ Islamic regime to take over. The United Kingdom joined the USA, followed later on by other NATO allies.
The allies (mostly America forces) were able to overthrow the Taliban from power by December 17th 2001 and establish bases to defend themselves as well as to train Afghani nationals to do so.
The US, built military bases near the most important cities to protect the populations from Taliban terrorism.
Tragically, every single president thereafter (nor their advisers) ever bothered to read, let alone study, about the Muslim countries they moved into whether Lebanon, Iraq or then, Afghanistan.
What is even most shocking of all, neither did any of the generals or military officers who should have read “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu, who 2500 years ago, advised every military leader to do the following before going to war~
“Know your enemy as yourself. You win every battle”
What I am revealing here, is not hind sight 20/20 vision after the events, but a truth that should have been, and should be followed, by all American leaders before starting any conflict, whether justifiable or not.
Know your Enemy
Had American leaders done this simple exercise, they would have concluded that they cannot and should NOT ever attempt bringing Democracy to Muslims since Muhammad’s Quran and Sharia are the nemesis of any and all freedoms known to human kind. The concept of a free and democratic society cannot exist in the Theocratic mind set of Islam.
In fact, Muslims have had to use the Greek word for Democracy (Demoqratiya) to explain it to their followers, since such a concept was lacking in Islam for 1400 years.

This is exactly why, the USA failed miserably with catastrophic losses, both in humans and in hundreds of billions of wasted dollars, going after the mythical dream of Democratic Muslim States such as Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, ‘Palestine’, or any other Muslim entity among the 57 Muslim majority states in the world today.

For example, most probably, as many US soldiers were murdered by so called friendly Afghans than in battles with the Taliban. At least, in such battles, American soldiers knew where and who the enemies were but when murdered by soldiers who are supposed to be their ‘brothers’ in arms, is infinitely more deadly, frightening and treacherous than anyone can possibly imagine.
As far as I am concerned, the life of an American soldier can only be redeemed by the death of 10,000 Taliban. I am sure that this statement also, reads unacceptable and racist, but let me share with you the following verses from Muhammad’s Quran that every Muslim must abide by, so that you, the readers, can make your own conclusions.
Al Baqara 2.216: “Jihad (holy fighting in Allah’s Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.”
In innumerable verses in Muhammad’s Quran and Hadiths Jihad means only ONE thing:
“Physical Warfare in the cause of Allah”, in Arabic it is: “Qital fi Sabil^Allah”. It is actually the sixth and most important pillar of Muslims’ beliefs.
Al Mai’da 5:51 “O ye who believe (Muslims)! take not the Jews [Yahood] and the Christians [Nasara] for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them…”
*** The implications of the last sentence is of immense importance “And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them…”  meaning that any followers of Muhammad who befriend or are under the rule of Christians or Jews (or any none Muslim group) would be considered Apostates to Islam, outsiders to Islam, enemies of Islam, who must be slaughtered.
In a nutshell, no Muslim in the USA (or any none Muslim country) can ever be loyal to the American Constitution because it is Man Made NOT from Allah’s Sharia, nor can any Muslim in the USA (or any none Muslim country) be a loyal citizen, because none Muslim Americans are called Infidels/ Kuffar/ Unbelievers/ Kafiroon, to be either subjugated or exterminated***
Al Imran 3:85If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah) never will it be accepted of him …”
Al Tauba 9:29 “Fight [qatiloo] those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His apostle [Muhammad] nor acknowledge the religion of truth [ISLAM] (even if they are) of the People of the Book [Christians & Jews] until they pay the Jizya [onerous penalty for not being a Muslim] with willing submission and feel themselves humiliated”
*** Currently, Unbelievers represent 80% of humanity: All Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Atheists, Agnostics, etc. That is, any and all those who are NOT Muslims ***
After all, every single Imam and leader of terrorist Muslim organizations, repeats to us Kuffar/ Infidels, the mantra that they, Muslims, prefer Death, while we Infidels, prefer Life. With a depraved mind set such as theirs, how can any decent and rational human being, consider the life of a Muslim, to be equal to the life of an Infidel/ None Muslim?
I can obviously show you hundreds more of gory verses from both Muhammad’s Quran and the Traditions, but hopefully, the above will suffice to prove my points. Anyone who wants to explore more of the Quran, just Google it.
The USA and its allies, have spent about 19 years trying to achieve the impossible, of turning a Muslim nation into a functioning Democracy, while and when we have had 57 dysfunctional ones for the last 60 years or more to prove how irrational this quest is.
President Trump, correctly wants to leave Afghanistan and Afghans to solve their own problems.

Unfortunately, President Trump is talking to the Taliban – while ignoring the Afghan government’s concerns – which will lead to the collapse of any agreement before the ink had dried.
I repeat again, that the Taliban as Muslims, will never abide by any agreements made with Infidels.

They proved my point, a few hours after they had signed a treaty with the USA, to come to a ‘peaceful’ conclusion to the conflict, by initiating attacks against the allied forces. The Taliban, like Hamas in Gaza against the Israelis, will never abide by any covenant, signed or not with Kuffar/ Infidels/ None Muslims.
The cycle of Islamic violence and treachery will never stop. There will be, I predict, even more insider terror attacks against the allies than before.
Therefore, President Trump, should start gradually but with determination, withdrawing allied forces, no matter what the Taliban and or the Afghan government may say.
In the meantime, the allies must retaliate with immense force against the Taliban, until all the allies are out of this quagmire and leave Afghans to sort out their differences with the usual Islamic mass slaughter between the various sects and or political aspirations of Muslims.
The sooner this chapter is closed, the better for the USA.
Image: Reuters


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